Such a fun game! I really enjoyed the way it can be split up into different stages, first level up and explore until you find the 10, and then continue until the final enemy. It's really replayable too! Great work!!
Such a fun game! I really enjoyed the way it can be split up into different stages, first level up and explore until you find the 10, and then continue until the final enemy. It's really replayable too! Great work!!
Ahh, tried to get to a million a few times now, accidentally pressed the back button on my mouse and it crashed another time. Gotten quite close but never got it. Fun gambling game though! Would be nice if it saved the progress, and maybe if the payout could be a bit more when playing blackjack or poker manually :)
I'll try to reach a million later again!
i finally understand numbers, thanks
you are the GOAT dude
Fun game! Love the music and painty feel to it, straight out of Yoshi's island! Getting quick combos is very fun, but the moving around can get confusing when things get stressy.
Would it be possible to add controls so that if you press one of the direction keys, the player will move to the side pressed in the shortest distance? So if you're on the right side, and press W and A, it'll circle to the northwest side.
Other than that I really enjoy this, just need to practice some more. Great work!!
EDIT: KIWIMAN I LOVE KIWIMAN thanks this game is so fun
Yo this is super fun! Feels really rewarding once you get in a flow. Great soundtrack and graphics too!
The lambs feel like they have too much HP. I almost always lose lives when trying to get them, since you gotta focus purely on the lamb and nothing else. Often losing the perfect score which usually rewards you with a life and 5000 points anyway. It could be nice if killing it would cause an explosion clearing the stage of all enemies, or at least just lowering its HP.
I often get dropkicked by the crows, since they fall in random locations, an indicator at the top of the screen would be very helpful. And having some knockback on them could be nice too. I haven't figured out a nice way to kill them other than just running side to side shooting backwards.
A final minor thing is that it'd be nice to have some coyote time when pressing jump, like it'd still jump once you land if you've pressed the jump button a few frames before. The last sidescrolling levels are really tough! I wish you had a bit more air control, it's very hard to make the jumps while getting swarmed
Amazing work all of you! Gotta try to win the game!!
EDIT2: dang the boss has a lot of health! like way too much in my opinion, I'd lower it and make the boss sort of a reward for getting that far
Paytonio beat it several times to make sure it was possible, and I beat it a couple times to double-check. There is a final boss fight afterwards.
Thanks for the in depth review and congrats on holding the top score! We're thinking of doing a small patch to address some of your points later tonight. Let me know if you ever get past the auto scroll stage in the mean time!
feels like a classic RPG, enjoying it a lot! Those butterflies are a real hassle to kill though! Gotta try to get all the medals when I get the time :)
This was very fun! I really enjoyed the variety of every stage, and the separate upgrades for each of them. Nice work!!
i got the detergent, yum
It's very fun!
However, I really think it should be sped up a bit. Also it took me a while to understand that you can merge leveled up units. Also, since every unit does one damage to the enemy base, it's not really worth buying any skills or buildings that take up unit slots (unless I've missed something and buying them is a winning strategy).
Having to spend all coins every round makes the money building not very useful (until you've leveled it up?). Now you just have to reroll just to get rid of extra coins., furthest I've gotten! I wish it would have won as soon as the health went down, I just needed one extra life :(
Edit: got to the king, damn it feels impossible!
You should totally add medals to this game!
You are cool so when you review anything i make i feel great!
Your opinions are all good!!! Sadly i was quite into the spagghetti coding when i realized i should add a fast forward button that actually fast forwarded stuff, so i fumbled there, hahahaha
Buildings and skills are cool! After all, units of yours that don't die against enemies are more damage to the base! (;
And extra money means more rerolls and flexibility! Or maybe an extra summon instead!
Probs you already got those things in the end, but i'll leave my weak excuses so maybe they are helpful to someone else!!
I wish i could add medals but gamemaker sucks :(
At least the 1.4 version!!
Congrats on winning!!! That was close, nice!!!
Anyways, keep being awesome!! <3
This is really fun! Haven't gotten through it all yet, but I think I'll wait for the release to binge it :)
Amazing work!!
Joined on 1/8/13